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Birmingham Crystal Meth Defense Attorneys

Alabama Crystal Meth Possession Defense

If you’re facing a charge of crystal meth possession or possession with intent to deliver, you know that the law takes the crimes of possession of a controlled substance and possession with intent to deliver very seriously. A top drug crime defense lawyer can help you. If you’re caught with even the most minimal amounts of meth you can face felony charges and a possible conviction that could scar your life forever.

What Are The Penalaties For Crystal Meth Possession?

Methamphetamine (meth) is a controlled substance under the law. Possession, manufacture, sale, and/or delivery of crystal meth or any other controlled substance is subject to penalties based on weight and unit of measurement of the drug – the more you’re found with, the harsher are the penalties. In addition, If you’re caught for possession within 1,000 feet of a church, school, public park, or movie theater, your prison sentence and monetary fine could double. If police believe your car, home, or other property were involved in the crime, they can be seized by the authorities as well.

What Are Some Crystal Meth Possession Defenses?

A crystal meth defense attorney can examine your case for some of the following factors:

  • Did the arresting officer have probable cause?
  • Is this your first offense?
  • Was there an illegal stop and search or was an invalid warrant used?
  • Were you charged with actual possession or constructive possession of the drug?

Contact A  Crystal Meth Defense Lawyer 

For more information about how to file or fight crystal meth charges in Alabama, and how the attorneys at The Bloomston Firm can help you – contact us today!


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Office Location

1914 4th Avenue North Suite 100 Birmingham, AL 35203



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