Business fraud in Alabama

If you’re a company owner or entrepreneur who regularly conducts business in person or online in Alabama, you obviously want to remain current in your understanding of state and federal business laws. Often, being well-informed and up-to-date regarding any regulation or law that governs business in the state may help you avoid problems with clients, and may even keep potential legal problems at bay. IfContinue reading

Multiple motor vehicle accidents result in tragedies in Alabama

Alabama roadways were scenes of tragedy more than once during the holiday season this year. Multiple motor vehicle accidents occurred resulting in injury and more than one fatality. Only those who have suffered similar sorrow can imagine the grief associated with losing a loved one in a fatal car accident at Christmas time. One of the collisions occurred just after 7 p.m. on a recentContinue reading

Dangerous intersection scene of many motor vehicle accidents

A woman who made her living taking care of others recently suffered an untimely death that has left her family shocked and grief-stricken. Traffic officials say there have been at least 22 motor vehicle accidents in recent years at the same Alabama intersection where the woman was killed in a crash. In this particular incident, it appears another motorist’s negligence may have been the causeContinue reading

Aggressive criminal defense often equals positive outcome

If you’ve been charged with a crime in Alabama, you may be worried about your reputation. Preserving your good name among family members and co-workers is undoubtedly important to you at this time. One way to increase your chances of minimizing the negative impact of the situation is to retain aggressive criminal defense representation before proceeding to court. Whether you’ve been charged with a DUI,Continue reading

Divorce, holidays and finances: Finding balance between all three

Ending a marriage is seldom easy, and anyone in Alabama who has obtained one when a holiday season was just around the bend likely understands the strain it can place on one’s pocketbook. Holiday or no, recovering financially after divorce is a huge challenge for many. There are several ways to mitigate the strain and move forward toward a successful future. A first step inContinue reading

Military servicemembers often face family law challenges

A naval petty officer lost custody of his 6-year-old daughter while deployed on a submarine. There were also orders to place him under arrest for not being present at a custody hearing, although those orders were later canceled. This incident prompted the proposal of HB4071, which is designed to protect parents in Alabama and elsewhere serving on active duty in the military from certain familyContinue reading

Holidays plus DUI arrest equals bah humbug

While you’re enjoying the upcoming holiday season with family and friends, the last thing you need is to be arrested for DUI in Alabama. In fact, that’s probably a sure-fire way of bringing your holiday fun to a screeching halt. Thinking ahead and knowing what to do if a problem arises are your best bets for avoiding DUI trouble all year through. These ideas mayContinue reading