Aftermath stress common in Alabama motor vehicle accidents

If you recently survived a collision on one of Alabama’s busy roadways, you’ve probably relived the incident 1,000 times in your mind. In fact, many victims of serious motor vehicle accidents suffer post traumatic stress symptoms that necessitate special counseling in order to recover. Add to that medical bills that are piling up and various complications that may have arisen by having to take time off work, and your stress levels may begin to soar.

So many accidents could be avoided if it weren’t for negligent and reckless motorists. From texting while driving to speeding through red lights at intersections, Alabama roads are filled with people who are placing themselves and others at risk. It’s not uncommon to experience feelings of frustration and anger along with the physical pain of your injuries as you navigate recovery.

Sometimes, drivers who cause accidents that result in injury to others wind up facing criminal charges for their behavior. In fact, injured accident victims who file claims in civil court often cite the fact that criminal charges were filed to help substantiate their own claims. Successful claims can provide compensation for damages that can then be used to pay medical bills and cover other expenses associated with a particular incident.

To begin the process of filing a personal injury claim in Alabama, it may be helpful to speak with an attorney who has litigated other situations involving motor vehicle accidents. The Bloomston Firm provides such services and has successfully obtained many settlements and verdicts for clients throughout the state. We are prepared to aggressively litigate your claim if needed, to help you get the care you need in light of the suffering you have endured.