Can losses be recovered after Alabama motor vehicle accidents?

It’s difficult to tell how long a person’s recovery will take when he or she is injured in a car accident. Many Alabama motor vehicle accidents are fatal, leaving families devastated. Other collisions result in nonfatal injuries, many of which may still be quite severe.

Recently, a 66-year-old man was riding a bicycle when a car struck him. The tragedy occurred just after 8 a.m., along a stretch of road where motorists are often said to drive at excessive speeds. Sadly, the man did not survive his injuries. The driver of the car remained unscathed.

Another man who was also traveling the same road at the time said he thinks the incident was very unfortunate but hopes that others will learn from this tragedy that they need to drive safely to avoid harming themselves and others. The exact cause of a motor vehicle crash is not always immediately apparent. As in this case, investigators may be called in to piece together the details of a collision to try to determine whether anyone was negligent.

Whether people survive motor vehicle accidents, or grieve the loss of their spouses, parents or children following roadway collisions, there are steps that can be taken to seek recovery for such losses, which often amounts to monetary compensation for damages that can then be used to cover expenses associated with a particular incident. A human life can never be replaced; however, Alabama families are often further devastated when hit by undue financial hardships following a loved one’s death that can be overcome if litigation is successful. By filing a wrongful death claim against any party or parties deemed negligent in a collision, an immediate family member of a deceased accident victim can pursue justice.

Source:, “Officials identify victim in fatal accident involving car and a bicycle in Limestone County“, Shevaun Bryan, Aaron Cantrell, Aug. 6, 2017